Link think-cell charts to Excel

Learn to link and manage Excel data in think-cell charts and tables, update charts with refreshed data, and identify and break/reestablish links

Link think-cell charts to Excel


About this course

About this course

At the end of this course, students will be able to effectively manage Excel data links and integrate them with think-cell charts. They will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to create, update, and manipulate linked data and elements in PowerPoint and Excel using think-cell features:
  • Understand linking features: Students will be able to understand the basic linking features of think-cell, including creating charts from Excel data and managing the layout of data for different chart types
  • Link data to existing charts and tables: Students will learn how to link Excel data to existing charts and tables in PowerPoint, as well as how to format and style the linked elements to match the Excel formatting
  • Update charts with refreshed data: Students will gain proficiency in updating and reverting updates for linked charts and elements in PowerPoint using think-cell, and they will learn how to control the update settings for all linked elements in a presentation
  • Explore advanced linking features: Students will explore advanced linking features, including identifying linked data, breaking and reestablishing links, and understanding how linked elements behave in the absence of linked data sources
  • Test knowledge and complete course: Students will be able to test their knowledge on the course content, and upon successful completion, they will be able to view and share a certificate of completion for the course