Create self-updating agenda slides

Learn how to create self-updating agenda slides with Think Cell, including basic agenda features, sorting, formatting, slide design, and multiple agenda structures

Create self-updating agenda slides


About this course

About this course

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Basic agenda features: Learn how to insert and create (sub)chapters, add, remove, and modify agenda slides, as well as understand the purpose and use of agenda slides in a presentation
  • Sort agenda slides and create a table of content: Understand how to order, reorder, and synchronize agenda slides, create tables of contents, and navigate within the agenda during a presentation
  • Advanced agenda features: Explore the formatting and styling of agenda elements, customize the design and layout of agenda slides, and create multiple agenda structures for different parts of a presentation
  • Format and style an agenda: Gain proficiency in formatting and styling agenda themes, individual chapter boxes, and agenda slide designs to create a consistent and visually appealing agenda
  • Slide design, placements, and templates: Learn how to modify the design of agenda slides, lock the placement of agenda elements, and utilize customized agenda slides as templates for future presentations